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10th February, 2013

Royal Holloway and BBC – Your Paintings Open Day

Event Details

10th February, 2013
Tours: 1.30pm, 2.30pm, 3.30pm
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill Egham TW20 0EX
Free, all welcome

Royal Holloway welcomes the public to explore its world class collection of paintings as part of the BBC – Your Paintings events to celebrate the Public Catalogue Foundation’s digitisation of the nation’s pictures.

Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the paintings on display in the College’s famous Picture Gallery as well as discovering some of the College’s hidden paintings on a guided tour led by the College Curator.  Visitors are welcome to turn up on the day – no need to book in advance.

Tour tickets (free of charge) will be available on the day from the Information Desk, outside the Picture Gallery.

For further information please contact Dr Laura MacCulloch, College Curator, or click here.


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