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Creative and Research Led Collaborations

For almost a decade, TCCE has been at the forefront of conceiving and delivering strategic, ground-breaking research collaborations and knowledge exchange projects funded by national bodies including: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Arts Council England (ACE) and Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

These include: Boosting Resilience: Survival Skills for the New Normal (launched in 2017), The Exchange (2016 – 2018) and Creativeworks London (2012 – 2016)

Boosting Resilience

Boosting Resilience was launched in 2017, in collaboration with Cass Business School City, University of London and Manchester Metropolitan University as one of four Building Resilience flagship projects, supported by Arts Council England.

The key goal of  Boosting Resilience: Survival Skills for the New Normal has been to inspire and support arts and cultural organisations to make the most of their Creative Assets and Intellectual Property.

We have been working with a cohort of 26 participants to create a practical, user-centred programme that pushes conceptual thinking around creative assets – and creative ecologies more widely – to new limits.

Throughout the programme, we have developed a comprehensive online resources bank as well as:

films from our residentials and our Beyond Resilience Forum

– articles from our Editorial Partnership with Arts Professional and on LinkedIn

Reflections on Resilience and Creative Leadership publication

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Participating in the Boosting Resilience programme provided a launch pad for me to develop B2B activity in the cultural contect. In my current work this is underpinned by the core tenets of the V&A museum learning which aims to inspire, enrich and empower learners.

Helen Charman,
Director of Learning and National Programmes,
V&A Museum

The Exchange

In 2016 TCCE launched the National Network Pilot Project funded by Arts Council England and HEFCE called The Exchange.

The Exchange brought together Early Career Researchers (ECRs), artists and creative SMES to explore research collaborations and to enrich the ecology between the Academy and the Creative and Cultural Industries.

The Exchange distributed 30 Collaborative Research Awards in three tranches of 10 x £5K awards over the two year pilot programme. Details on the awarded projects can be found here.

The Exchange is a significant and exciting milestone for TCCE in that it enabled us to take our work into a national context and to work with partners from all parts of the country, from Falmouth to Oxford to Birmingham to Leeds.

You can read the report documenting the project here.

Our Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain publication was for us the springboard to becoming internationally recognised with major institutions all over the world saying ‘Oh you’re the people who wrote the book on arts and the blockchain’. We’re very grateful to TCCE for supporting some of that work though The Exchange funding.

Ruth Catlow,

Creativeworks London

Together with Queen Mary, University of London, TCCE co-developed the partnership base and led on the design and delivery of the Knowledge Exchange Programmes for Creativeworks London, one of four major AHRC Knowledge Exchange Hubs in the UK.

From September 2012 to May 2016 we supported 109 collaborative research projects between academic researchers and small-scale arts, cultural and creative organisations in London through our various funding mechanisms. These included: Creative Vouchers Scheme, Researcher-in- Residence Scheme, Creative Entrepreneur-in-Residence Scheme and Boost Follow-on funding scheme.

The Creativeworks London Festival took place on April 29th 2016 as a final showcase for the programme.

For more information about Creativeworks London you can download the toolkit Developing Effective Research Collaborations, and read the blog Widening the Register developed during the programme.


The research, conversations, and the loose collaboration of my Creativeworks London residency in the Department of French at King’s College London — exploring connections between the French Republican Calendar and performance — had many outputs, but also proved to be an essential catalyst for the writing of my novel The Fountain in the Forest.

Tony White,


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