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Podcasts & Videos

This is a list of podcasts of selected events and key debates organised and hosted by TCCE. They provide a vignette of the lively discussion, debate and information sharing typical of TCCE events.

29th October, 2020

An hour long discussion on Applied Theate and Dementia with: Victoria Ruddock – Dementia Specialist Healthcare Support Worker (Dementia Care Team, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust), Jo James – Consultant Nurse Dementia and Delirium (Dementia Care Team, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust) and Dr Nicola Abraham – Lecturer, Applied Theatre Practices RCSSD, (seconded for two […]

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2nd June, 2020

This short session explored what is relevant to us as we approach a new stage in how we are living with and through Covid.19. Does what is relevant to us actually shift or change at times like this; times of unprecedented worry and challenge. And if so, what is changing for us, why and indeed […]

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2nd June, 2020

Knowledge exchange and sharing has in some ways never been so much at the forefront of public life as it has in the last couple of months. The role of scientists and medics in response to the pandemic has been particularly visible and well documented. But how else has knowledge sharing been made manifest during […]

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28th April, 2020

TCCE took their #lunchtimesocial to the next level with an online roundtable. This informal discussion drew on content from the Boosting Resilience programme and is aimed at educators, artists and creatives who are newly developing and sharing content online and have questions or concerns about Intellectual Property. Ruth Soetendorp gave a brief presention on confidentiality […]

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23rd April, 2020

Round Table: Digital Museums as immersive experiential spaces Museums of all sizes have been developing digital experiences since the late 1980s, and simultaneously digitising their records and artefacts to evolve their online presence. Although the digital engagement of museums varies considerably, given the resources and time needed to establish and maintain this digital presence, it […]

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25th July, 2019

Bringing together academics, artists, creatives, policy-makers and people from other sectors, Refresh Reboot, Retool: new imaginaries for challenging times set out to create a space in which to encourage, debate, conversation, play, knowledge exchange and co-creation about some of our most important contemporary challenges including: politics, diversity, identity, place and environment. The event was chaired by Colin […]

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24th July, 2019

The event Arts, Health and Wellbeing: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice was an afternoon workshop that set out to articulate a range of developments, sharing information on some current research initiatives, as well as on new interventions and research publications in the arts sector. Presentations were followed by group work and discussion on: the wider research, […]

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8th January, 2019

TCCE was delighted to present the roundtable event Health, Anxiety and Capitalism, opened by presentations from Dr Catherine Maffioletti(Ravensbourne University London), Dr Maria Walsh (Chelsea College of Arts), Dr Ayesha Ahmad (University College London, St George’s University of London), Dr Dan Taylor (Goldsmiths University), Tamar Shlaim (Marketing Director, Repeater Books). The event that took place on December 6th 2018 at Ravensbourne University London, and used the […]

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30th November, 2016

LISTEN TO PODCAST:   TCCE was delighted to to present Dr Sacha Golob in conversation with artist Kasia Molga on 11th October 2016, for our fourth Philosophy and the Visual Arts Salon, developed in collaboration with the Philosophy Department at King’s College London. We have been running various salons together over a number of years and, in […]

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6th June, 2016

May 2016 saw the latest in the highly successful series of TCCE Philosophy and the Visual Arts salons – it was a real pleasure to introduce and speak with the artist Alinah Azadeh. These salons are designed to bring together artists, curators, philosophers and anyone with an interest in these issues to talk informally with […]

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