29th June, 2023
9th January, 2023
Apply for funding to establish dance research networks that explore current issues, generate change and legacy for the sector.
The aim for your network is to promote collaboration of dance researchers and the wider dance sector to consider sector specific issues that strengthen the dance and practice-based research community.
The role of the programme lead is to provide AHRC with insight into how to generate legacy and embed change for the dance sector. You will achieve this through capturing insights and coordinating with the networks, possibly with innovative practice-based techniques.
There will be up to 5 networks. You can also apply for 1 programme lead opportunity to work with the networks to provide mapping, monitoring, evaluation, and learning.
You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding.
For the programme lead you must send an intention to submit by 27 January 2023 4:00pm UK time to hhll@ahrc.ukri.org
Network and programme lead duration 18 months.
Closing date: 16 March 2023 4:00pm UK time
For further information please visit this page.
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