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23rd September, 2021

Gendered Workloads

The Culture Capital Exchange

Event Details

23rd September, 2021
14:00 - 17:00
£0 - £49,10

With the addition of the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) to Research Excellence Framework (REF) and Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), the administrative burden on those in the academy continues to grow against a backdrop of a global pandemic, fast moving policy change and economic uncertainty. Furthermore, current research indicates that it is women in academia who carry the burden. 

Gendered Workloads will consider how current inequity in workloads is actively disadvantaging female academics and adding to their administrative workloads with men are spending more time on research. It will also create a space to explore solutions and practical strategies, informed by recent research, to support greater equity and fairness in the division of “housekeeping”, institutional and emotional labour. 

Contributors include:

Dr Sahdiv Dhar Senior Lecturer in Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics QMUL

Charlotte Vincent Choreographer, Director and doctoral student

Faculty Workload and Rewards Project team, University of Maryland including:

  • Dawn Kiyoe Culpepper is a Research Assistant Professor and Associate Director for the University of Maryland ADVANCE Program.
  • KerryAnn O’Meara is a Professor of Higher Education and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher at the University of Maryland.
  • Joya Misra is a Professor of Sociology and Public Policy and the Director of the Institute for Social Science Research at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
  • Audrey J. Jaeger is the W. Dallas Herring Professor and Executive Director for the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research at North Carolina State University.

Catriona Firth, Associate Director for Research Environment, and member of the Future Research Assessment Board UKRI

Suzie Leighton, Co-Director TCCE (Chair)

This event is free to TCCE members, please book using your institutional email. Members include: City, University of London, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Kingston University, Middlesex University, RADA, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and University of West London.

Non-TCCE member HEIs £45.

Fractionally employed individuals and ECRS £10. 

We also have a small number of complementary tickets for those who are currently unwaged or very fractionally employed, please email if you require for a free ticket.

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