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26th May, 2020

Central’s Work is Recognised as a part of Universities UK’s #WeAreTogether Campaign

Royal Central School of Speech and Drama - University of London

Central’s work has been recognised as a part of Universities UK’s national #WeAreTogetherCampagin, a campaign to showcase all the ways universities are helping to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the face of unprecedented levels of disruption, universities are doing all they can to contribute to the national effort against the COVID-19 outbreak. Together, the university sector is carrying out vital medical research into a possible vaccine; providing much-needed equipment, facilities and extra staff to frontline NHS services; and is exploring ways to support the people’s health and wellbeing through this difficult time.

The #WeAreTogether campaign is a collection of case studies demonstrating how everyone in society benefits from universities.  Through their research, teaching and role in local communities, universities make an untold contribution to the nation’s prosperity, and as 2020 has shown, are prepared to redouble their efforts during a crisis.

The case studies are centered on for major themes.  These are:

  • Research, vaccines, and testing
  • Resources and people power
  • Helping people get through the crisis
  • Supporting students.   

Central’s work was highlighted within the ‘Helping people get through the crisis’ category.  The knock-on effects of the pandemic reach into all areas of life.  Several university projects are aimed at helping with wellbeing, as is Central’s recognised work.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic Applied Theatre students at Central have created a series of dementia-friendly interactive exercises and audio resources aimed at older adults in isolation; they have also produced an e-resource pack of activities for children who are off school.  These resources have been made available in the UK as well as internationally and have been translated into several languages in order to benefit those in lockdown across the world.

To find out more about the #WeAreTogether campaign and to read about what universities across the UK are doing to help in the fight against COVID-19, please visit Universities UK’s website.

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