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13th March, 2020

Power, privilege & priorities: The 2020 Global Health 50/50 Report Launch


Event Details

13th March, 2020
18:30 - 21:00
Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre
Wilkins Building
Gower Street

How equitable is the global health landscape? Who holds power and privilege? What are the priorities of global health, who benefits, and who continues to be left behind? These are some of the questions that will be explored at the launch of the third Global health 50/50 Report, Power, Privilege and Priorities.

How equitable is the global health landscape? Who holds power and privilege? What are the priorities of global health, who benefits, and who continues to be left behind?

These are some of the questions that will be explored at the launch of the third Global health 50/50 Report, Power, Privilege and Priorities. The launch will provide the opportunity to discuss the report findings as well as potential solutions for shaping diverse, equitable global organisations fit to support the world in achieving health and well-being for all.

The GH5050 Report offers the most comprehensive review of the gender-related policies and practices of the 200 most influential organisations active in health. Recognising that gender is only one marker of power and privilege, the 2020 Report will explore where power lies in global health, and what steps organisations are taking to address inequalities that intersect with gender to shape power, privilege, priority-setting and opportunity. The report will also provide the most comprehensive review to date of the programmatic priorities of the global health ecosystem.

The interactive event will involve a presentation of the report findings, a panel discussion and a moderated audience Q&A, followed by a drinks reception and photography exhibition, showcasing the winning images from the This is Gender photography contest.

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