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4th February, 2020

TCCE presents: REF 2021: Practice-based Research Workshop

The Culture Capital Exchange

Event Details

4th February, 2020
13:00 - 16:00
Hendon Town Hall
The Burroughs
£0 - £50

For many years now, The Culture Capital Exchange has been holding an annual event or workshop on different aspects of REF, creating a supportive space for our members to come together to share information, experience, expertise and concerns.

Following conversations after our last REF event, several people expressed an interest in having the opportunity to come together to share knowledge and best practice around practice-based research submission within the context of REF 2021 as well as how best to support such activities more widely.

This half-day workshop will, as such, present a space for learning and discussion around the challenges and possibilities for practice-based research and the wider impacts it generates. It is likely to be of primary relevance and interest to senior academic staff, researchers as well as those who are leading, managing or supporting their institutional REF submissions. The aims of this workshop will be to create a relatively informal peer-to-peer space in which to:

  • exchange information about, and approaches to, this arguably complex topic
  • explore how practice-based research and its associated impacts can best be presented and narrated
  • consider how best to deal with the resource allocations surrounding PBR submissions
  • talk about the wider impacts of practice-based research
  • Share approaches to good practice in terms of supporting practice-based researchers

Contributions will mainly be from researchers/institutions submitting under Panel D and currently include: Professor Carole-Anne Upton (Middlesex University London), Professor Vida Midgelow (Middlesex University London) and Dr Alex Mermikides (Guildhall School of Music and Drama).

Some time will also be allocated to quick-fire presentations and to open up discussion and ideas generation and peer support around challenges you may be facing to the wider group. Do get in touch if this is of interest but priority for these slots will be given to TCCE members.

An agenda will be sent to attendees a week or so before the event.

Please note that registration is essential. This event is free to TCCE members and we request that attendees book using their institutional email addresses. In addition, we have a small number of places for non TCCE members priced at £50.

We look forward to seeing you and welcome your inputs to this important conversation.

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