7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
7th September, 2019
This exciting long-term project, funded by the National Lottery, centres on digitizing the important World War I magazine The War Illustrated (1914-1919) and making it available online for all, and for free, for the first time.
We will herald the formal inauguration of the digitised resource, and end the “Digitising The War Illustrated” project, with a Launch event and Vintage Tea Dance.
This event is also free and everyone will be welcome to come hear interesting talks about the project, witness – and participate in! – enjoyable dance lessons with music of the time, and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea.
You've been waiting for it and our May newsletter is here! -> bit.ly/3M9ICG6 pic.twitter.com/Iug9eWimQQ