7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
29th March, 2019
Dr Elena Marchevska, London South Bank University
Dr Christine “Xine” Yao, UCL
Abira Hussein, Independent Curator and Researcher
Dr Romy Gad el Rab, Hyphen-Labs
Charlotte Frost, Furtherfield
Last year, The Culture Capital Exchange launched an Arts and Health Forumas a discussion and knowledge exchange platform for member researchers and staff as well as those working in the arts, cultural sectors and/or health related fields. So far the forum has hosted a number of events and supported the development of funding bids. It acts as a mini-hub within TCCE, creating informal spaces for researchers working broadly within these subject areas to share their research, connect with colleagues and share their work with new audiences.
This academic year, we are continuing the work of the forum with a series of activities over the coming months focusing on the following themes including:
March 29 Feminisms and Technology: New imaginings for future care and well-being
April 10 Culture Health and Well-being: Connecting research, policy and practice
June 18 Cyborg Futures
Feminisms and Technology: New imaginings for future care and well-being is a panel discussion that sets out to explore intersections between feminism, queer theory, speculative fiction, technology, care and activism.
We are doing so in order to challenge current narratives and practices and explore what notions of self-care, care for others and the environment may serve us best for the future.
Discussions will explore topics including VR as empathy machine and how affect is infused into the digital, inequality and digital presence, care for the natural world, envisioning different futures, radical cultural practices as tools for social change.
Contributions from participants are welcomed, if you would like to present your work or research during the round-table please send us an email at info@tcce.co.uk by March 12th.
The event is aimed at researchers, artists and creative practitioners, working with or interested in radical approaches to arts, culture, health and well-being.
You've been waiting for it and our May newsletter is here! -> bit.ly/3M9ICG6 pic.twitter.com/Iug9eWimQQ