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26th February, 2019

Enhancing engagement with cultural heritage collections using 3D digital technologies


Event Details

26th February, 2019
17:30 - 18:30
IAS Forum G17, Wilkins Building
Gower St
London WC1E 6BT

This talk will discuss the challenges and opportunities created by the availability of 3D technologies for enhancing the engagement of diverse audiences with cultural heritage collections.

It will present research in the development of novel computational tools and workflows which involve technologies such as 3D digitisation, visual analysis, Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D printing of heritage artefacts. Using an interdisciplinary approach, these developments have been done in collaboration between heritage organisations, communities, artists and technical experts, including local institutions such as the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.

The seminar will demonstrate that, despite several challenges, these technologies have great potential to support heritage institutions to care for collections, while easing the task of involving wider audiences in the interpretation of the artefacts and their contexts.

Dr Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton, Her research interests include the development and application of computational technologies for the digitisation of objects and environments; the information management, analysis, search/browse visualisation of visual representations, including 2D and 3D content; as well as their physical reproduction using digital fabrication. A focus of the research is the Cultural Heritage (CH) sector and its related applications such as creative applications, art, culture, education and tourism.

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