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23rd January, 2019

Critical Approaches to Understanding Civil Society


Event Details

23rd January, 2019
15:00 - 17:00
Cornwallis East seminar room 2
United Kingdom

This talk will address big questions about democracy, philanthropy and the future of civil society, drawing on key insights from a wide range of studies and published texts, including updates to Angie’s seminal paper The Marketisation of the Nonprofit Sector and her latest book, Reframing Nonprofit Management: Democracy, Inclusion and Social Change.

Angie is based at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and is currently President of ARNOVA, the global academic society for nonprofit academics which publishes the leading journal in the field, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

She has written extensively, and influentially, on the nonprofit sector, philanthropy, public administration and democracy. She also leads an innovative course that teaches philanthropy in the classroom on campus, and continues to research philanthropy in practice, notably in the form of giving circles. Her book Giving Circles: Philanthropy, Voluntary Associations and Democracy won CASE’s Award for Outstanding Research in Philanthropy, and she was a Fulbright Scholar in 2014-15 at the Third Sector Research Centre in the University of Birmingham.

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