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29th November, 2018

UK-China Creative Industries Partnership Development Grants

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) has been successful in securing £5m, plus co-funding from Chinese partners, for a major new international programme seeking to develop research-industry partnerships between the UK and China in the creative industries.

The programme will be delivered over 4 years in partnership with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC); Innovate UK (IUK); the Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA); and the Shanghai Economy and Information Technology Commission (SEITC). The overarching aim of the programme is to enable a rapid scaling-up of engagements between the UK and China – with a specific focus on Shanghai as China’s cultural and creative industries powerhouse – in order to facilitate new collaborations in the creative industries that deliver sustained economic, cultural and intellectual benefits in both countries.

The Partnership Development Grants will be the first stage in a suite of funding activity. They are intended to provide a platform for the initiation / enhancement of research-industry partnerships between the UK and China with a view to larger, longer-term collaboration. Funding of up to £25,000, with an expectation of additional resource from Chinese partners, is available for balanced research-industry teams, exploring questions, opportunities and challenges in areas including, but not limited to:

  • Screen industries: for example, in relation to post-production, the effect of online streaming, distribution mechanisms and the application of virtual and augmented reality technologies
  • Theatre and the performing arts: particularly in relation to mixed reality experiences
  • Gaming: particularly in relation to mobile devices
  • Creative design: for example, in relation to the creation of new products and services at the intersection of design and big data

The networks will be required to start by 14 February 2019 and will be for a maximum duration of 6 months. Funding will support a broad range of activity aimed at facilitating innovative new collaborations in the field including travel and mobility, workshops, scoping work, translation, exchanges and other collaborative activity.

More information can be found here.

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