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6th June, 2017

Talking, thinking, dancing


Event Details

6th June, 2017
End Date:
7th June, 2017
Dance4 international Centre for Choreography 2 Dakeyne StreetNottingham NG3 2AR

A two-day event bringing artists, researchers and producers together to think and discuss the past, present and future of Practice as Research degrees.

A place to experience practice, discuss doctoral research processes and explore how knowledge creation through artistic practices could lead the future of the dance and choreographic field. 

Tuesday 6 June, 5pm – 8.30pm

•    Artistic Doctorates in Europe (ADiE): Project Overview
•    Talk: Artists as researchers, collaborations and the public realm
•    Dance4 presents: Do-Re-MeNicola Conibere (UK) and In the predicament of an EndingKatye Coe (UK)

Dance4, as commissioner, presenter and producer, invites Nicola Conibere and Katye Coe to explore the necessity of collaboration between artist, commissioners and research contexts in relation to their own doctoral studies, practices and connection to publics.

Wednesday 7 June, 9am – 4.45pm

Three Practice as Research projects will inform the ADiE research through their performance, participation and discussion:

•    Tero Nauha (Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy at University of the Arts Helsinki, FI). Nauha will present the latest incarnation of A Performance from fictioning – an inquiry on positions, decisions and postures of performance. Tero was in the first cohort of students to undertake the national doctoral programme in artistic research (TAhTO). In discussion with Leena Rouhiainen, Tero will consider how the doctorate changed his practice.

•    Rosanna Irvine and Sara Giddens (UK) have extensive professional careers in dance and the expanded field of choreography. In 2015 they were awarded PhD’s from Middlesex University, commissioned by Dance4 and Middlesex University, through Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Awards. They will uncover this process through examples of their performance practice and a staged conversation with Paul Russ (Artistic Director at Dance4) and their former supervisors, Professors Vida Midgelow and Jane Bacon.

•    Carina Reich (SE) is a stage director and performer, and currently a PhD candidate in performative and mediated practices at Stockholm University of the Arts. She will expose the working processes leading to performance and the research process itself by re-staging The absent becoming present – a staged seminar that foregrounds different voices within the collaborative process of a devised performance.

The day will be punctuated by conversations and interviews with Vida Midgelow (Middlesex University), Jane Bacon (Chichester University), Camilla Damkjaer (Stockholm University), Leena Rouhiainen (University of the Arts Helsinki), Paul Russ (Dance4) and guests.

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