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1st December, 2016

GCRF Area-Focused Network Plus Call


As part of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is pleased to announce a call for Network Plus awards. Funding will support multidisciplinary, internationally collaborative programmes of activity rooted in the arts and humanities that take a place-based approach to addressing global development challenges.

Funding of £1.5-2 million and up to 4 years in duration will be available per project through the ‘Network Plus’ funding model. This model provides opportunities to bring together arts and humanities area-based expertise across disciplines and research organisations to address a set of integrated development challenges in particular places, societies and development contexts. The AHRC anticipates funding up to 5 projects.

Projects will focus on a cluster of countries, region, or ‘area’ otherwise defined as the basis for addressing a number of interconnected development challenges within the specific context of the area in question. Projects are expected to work extensively with ROs and stakeholder organisations in partner countries and with wider potential partners such as NGOS, policy bodies, business, third sector and community organisations in the development and dissemination of the research.

This call for expressions of interest (EOIs) is the first of two stages in the application process. The deadline for EOIs is 16:00, Wednesday 18 Jan 2017. Shortlisted applications will be invited to submit a proposal to the full application stage by May 2017.

How to apply and full details here.

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