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9th December, 2016

A screening and discussion of ‘The Making Of Traces of War: A Dance Performance’


Event Details

9th December, 2016
17:30 - 19:30
Old Anatomy Lecture Theatre, K6.29
King's College London, Strand, WC2R 2LS

As part of the Traces of War exhibition, the Department of War Studies at King’s College commissioned two Candoco choreographers to work with young dancers, students from King’s College London, pupils from Harris Girls Academy and Clapton Girls Academy and  injured ex service personnel to produce an original piece of choreography looking at the impact of war on the individual and the collective. They worked intensively for 6 days to create an original performance formed by their own experiences of and reactions to conflict performances that audiences described as ‘inspiring’  ‘powerful’, and ‘moving.’

Noémie T J Philipson, documented the creative process during a week-long workshop, capturing the individual stories of those involved as they worked together to make an original dance performance & installation. This is a unique opportunity to glimpse some of the magic that happened behind the scenes during rehearsals.

Traces of War is a major new exhibition from King’s College London. Curated by Cecile Bourne-Farrell and Professor Vivienne Jabri, the exhibition brings together three internationally renowned artists, Jananne Al-Ani, Baptist Coelho, and Shaun Gladwell to explore the relationship between war and the everyday.

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