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8th December, 2016

Maximising the Use of New Technologies for Older People


Event Details

8th December, 2016
13:00 - 14:15
College Building
City, University of London
St John Street

“Technology undoubtedly offers significant potential to help respond to the challenges of ageing. But the opportunity of technological innovation in this area has historically been over egged and under realised. For us to maximise the potential of new technologies however we need more evidence on what really works and whether it will save money. We need regulation which protects consumers whilst not preventing technological innovation. And we need industry to recognise the potential of the older consumer and design for all. Finally, we need a public debate on the challenges and opportunities of using big data to improve the lives of older people.” David Sinclair, joint author of the report Opportunity Knocks: Designing Solutions for an Ageing Society

In this seminar David, will touch on:

  • Technology’s importance in an ageing society
  • The UK has seen some innovation
  • But despite the promise of technology, progress is too
  • The future might be bright…
    • But only if…

Prior to joining the ILC-UK, David worked as Head of Policy at Help the Aged where he led a team of eight policy advisers. He holds honorary research positions at the University of Manchester and UCL. David has presented on longevity and demographic change across the world (from Stafford to Seoul and Singapore to Stormont). Among his many roles David is Chair of a London based charity (Open Age), he works as an expert for the pan-European Age Platform and is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Working with Older People.


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