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21st October, 2016

XX+ Games Jam London


Event Details

21st October, 2016
King's Building, Small Committee Room, Strand Campus

Over 24 hours, 24 women will come together in small interdisciplinary teams to conceive, design and prototype a computer game – this will be staged simultaneously in 5 separate locations. The five confirmed locations are: London, Brighton, Bristol, Toronto, Montreal. The events are taking place during the period around Ada Lovelace Day and form part of a global grass roots infrastructure of activities which celebrate women’s creative participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This will ensure that this initiative achieves a high degree of publicity and public awareness.

The resulting games will be judged by a panel of experts drawn from the games press, industry and advocacy groups. There will be a series of sponsored prizes in each location as well as one major award for the most outstanding game overall. The judging and prize giving will be streamed in each location.

We are actively seeking 24 participants for our London event. To take part, please book via the Eventbrite link above. Tickets are allocated on a first come, first served basis. The design workshop will take place over the course of an evening and the course of the next day. Judging will take place and results will be announced in the afternoon of the second day.

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