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4th April, 2016

Curating Future Memories in a Digital Era

Event Details

4th April, 2016
18:30 to 20:00
Anatomy Lecture Theatre - King's College London The Strand, London WC2R 2LS

In this cutting edge talk, Professor Annette Markham will be critically analysing the relationship between digital platforms and methods (such as auto-phenomenology and remix) for curating memory.

Annette Markham is Professor of Information Studies at Aarhus University in Denmark and Affiliate Professor of Digital Ethics in the School of Communication at Loyola University in Chicago. The talk is part of the Life Online To-Day and To-morrow series hosted by King’s College London’s Ego-Media: The impact of new media on forms and practices of self-presentation and the Centre for Life Writing Research.

Professor Markham earned her PhD in  organizational communication (Purdue University, 1998), with a strong emphasis in interpretive, qualitative, and ethnographic methods. Annette’s early research focused on how identity, relationships, and cultural formations constructed in and influenced by digitally saturated socio-technical contexts. Her pioneering sociological work in this area is well represented in her book Life Online: Researching real experience in virtual space (Altamira 1998).  She is an internationally known expert on innovative qualitative methodologies for studying sociality and identity in digitally-saturated contexts. This work intersects with a strong focus on how ethical practices in social research and interaction design influence future human possibilities. Her work can be found in a range of international journals, handbooks, and edited collections.

There will be a drinks reception following the talk.

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