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22nd February, 2016

Season of music launches at QMUL


QMUL has launched a season of music for spring/summer 2016 which aims to inspire, inform and intrigue by combining concerts with the university’s world leading research.

The varied programme celebrates musical talent from within QMUL and around Tower Hamlets, and brings professional musicians on campus to perform concertos, jazz, a night of Indian music and more. Many of the events will also be free to attend.

At the heart of the programme is a mini season called ‘A Mind of Music’, which will explore the psychological and therapeutic impact of music and consists of five events from February 29 to March 1. These will look into music therapy, psychiatry, question why we attend live music events and culminates in a musical exploration of altered mental states.

Elsewhere the work of QMUL’s music scholars and the vibrant music of America will be performed in a concert that involves the university’s choir and orchestra in full force.

Paul Edlin, QMUL’s Director of Music, said: “This season, concerts combine with world leading research that puts art, science and medicine in context. You can discover how drama and symbolism interrelates with music from early 20th century Vienna; you can delve into the history of jazz and then experience the music itself; you can discover the psychological and therapeutic qualities of music, how they change us as performers and listeners and you can then hear music that highlights issues of Mind and Music.”

To read more click here.

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