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30th October, 2015

King’s Health Partners institute programme announcement

The King’s Health Partners Board has agreed to develop plans for bringing together the partnership’s collective strength in a range of specialist services to deliver world-class patient care and research.

Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts and King’s College London – the four organisations that make up the Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC) – will work together to form a number of globally competitive clinical academic institutes.

The institutes will allow us to offer our local population world-class clinical services, supported by innovative training and pioneering research. We will be able to offer people new treatments and interventions informed by the latest evidence and achieve improved health outcomes for all the communities we serve.

London’s potential to attract the best talent and new investment gives us the opportunity to be a global leader in healthcare. Our institutes programme will support the delivery of outstanding care and treatment for the people of London and the UK, as well as demonstrating the potential of modern healthcare and research to the wider international community. Our vision will contribute to the strength of London as an international centre for clinical academic excellence.

For the full article, click here

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