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23rd October, 2015

Inside Out Festival 2015: Weeping Britannia: Emotional Politicians, Past and Present

Event Details

23rd October, 2015
18.30 - 20.00
Navy boardroom, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA
Free, registration essential

To mark the publication of Dr Thomas Dixon’s new book ‘Weeping Britannia: Portrait of a Nation in Tears’ (to be published in September 2015 by Oxford University Press), the Inside Out Festival welcomes you to journey through four centuries of weeping Brits in politics, discussing several prominent politicians – notably and perhaps surprisingly, both Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher, who in their own ways opened the door to today’s more personal and emotional style of politics.

Dr Thomas Dixon,
Director, Centre for the History of the Emotions, Queen Mary University of London, will be joined in conversation by:

  • Patrick Diamond
    Former Labour adviser and lecturer in public policy at Queen Mary University of London

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