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5th October, 2015

Arms Control as a Tool in the Promotion of National & International Security

Event Details

5th October, 2015
Council Room (K2.29) King’s Building Strand Campus

Speaker: Assistant Secretary Frank Rose, Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance (US).

Mr Rose is responsible for advising the US Secretary of State on a wide variety of arms control, strategic policy, verification, and compliance issues. From 2009 to 2014, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Space and Defence Policy where he was responsible for key issues related to arms control and defence policy including missile defence, military space policy, chemical and biological weapons, and conventional arms control. Among his many degrees and awards, Mr Rose holds a Master’s degree in war studies from Kings’ College, University of London (1999).

In his talk, Assistant Secretary Rose will address how arms control can be used as a tool to enhance predictability and mutual security and the link between arms control and military strategy. He will also discuss the ‘International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification’ (IPNDV). The partnership brings together both nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states under a cooperative framework to further understand and find solutions to the complex challenges involved in the verification of nuclear disarmament. The talk will be followed by a short Q&A session.

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