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10th June, 2014

Frederic Wake-Walker

Image Credit: Simon Jay Price

Frederic Wake-Walker is artistic director of Mahogany Opera Group, runs Mica Moca – project Berlin and works regularly with children’s opera company Jubilee Opera. Recent productions include HK Gruber’s Gloria – A Pigtale (Mahogany Opera Group, Royal Opera House, Buxton Festival, Bregenz Festival), Britten’s Church Parables (Mahogany Opera in St Petersburg and UK tour), Stravinsky’s Renard with with Vladimir Jurowski (Konzerthaus Berlin), Julian Philips’ The Yellow Sofa (Glyndebourne on Tour), Handel’s Jephtha (Buxton Festival), Birtwistle’s Bow Down (The Opera Group). 

He has also directed at Scottish Opera, La Monnaie Brussels, Opera North, Oviedo and Glyndebourne. With Mahogany Opera he has produced and directed Russian Tales: Stravinsky’s The Fox and Walton’s The Bear, Britten’s Curlew River and Berio’s Laborintus II.  With Jubilee Opera he has directed Noye’s Fludde, Let’s Make an Opera, Brundibar and Hip Hip Horatio!

Later this this year he directs Hans Krasa’s Brundibár (Mahogany and Jubilee Opera) and a new production of La Finta Giardiniera (Glyndebourne Festival).

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