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18th November, 2013

What’s the Value of Cultural Policy?

Event Details

18th November, 2013
College Building, St John Street, London EC1V 4PB
Free but booking required

To mark the publication of Cultural Policy: Management Value and Modernity in the Creative Industries the Centre for Cultural Policy and Management will host an early evening event at City University London. The event is focused on questions about the value of cultural policy research, for a variety of academic disciplines and public debates. Dr. Dave O’Brien, from City University London, will introduce the event with a short talk focusing on the book’s key themes and introducing its core ideas. This will be followed by a panel discussion from three leading figures in research on cultural policy and creative industries.

Professor Andy Pratt, from City University London, will discuss his role in Creativeworks London, a major knowledge exchange research project. Professor Kate Oakley will then outline her work as part of New Labour and Cultural Policy. To close the panel Professor Geoffrey Crossick will offer reflections on the ongoing AHRC Cultural Value project.

The event will close with the opportunity for questions and debate, followed by a small reception.

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