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15th April, 2013

Tim Jones

Tim Jones has put the values of cultural democracy and creative innovation at the heart of his work as a cultural engineer and community activist for over 20 years. He is Executive Director of motiroti, an award winning arts and culture company founded in 1996 whose programme develops around themes of migration, interculture, cities, technology and community. motiroti is collaborating with Cass Business School to further develop its multipliCities initiative, which links walking art, city tours and mobile technology to create intercultural walking tours which reveal the ‘Diversity Advantage’ of cities. More info: As an organisational change agent Tim works within and beyond motiroti to broker new opportunities and insights as to how cultural content can be produced in ways that are enterprising and sustainable.

Previously, Tim has produced for Coney, an ‘adventure agency’, including ‘A Small Town Anywhere’, a play where the playing audience were the actors, at Battersea Arts Centre in 2009. In 2006 Tim coordinated NODE.London, which used open source methodology to build cultural infrastructure for media art – resulting in 450 arts and technology events in one month within a ‘festival with no leaders’. In 2005 for the Red Room, Tim produced Hoxton Story, a set of artistic actions exploring the unheard sides of urban regeneration, and in 2000-1 he developed the ‘Something to Declare’ initiative for Watermans Arts Centre in London, which engaged asylum seekers recently arrived to London in creating a photo-installation about their attitudes towards arrival and belonging. He blogs at and is on Twitter @timj0nes

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