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19th November, 2012

Equality and Diversity Forum: Is there room for religion at UAL?

Event Details

19th November, 2012
Large Board Room, 272 High Holborn

Taking place during Interfaith Week 2012, this event aims to stimulate discussion about the approaches we take to religion and belief at University of the Arts London, and how these approaches inform our work.

Speakers will include: Professor Reina Lewis (Artscom Centenary Professor of Cultural Studies, London College of Fashion) and Matthew Francis (Religious Literacy Leadership in Higher Education).

Pecha Kucha Session
The Pecha Kucha session will explore the importance of space in developing a shared sense of belonging and will feature contributions from the UAL Pop Up Chaplaincy and student Quiet Space designers.

Quiz hosted by Yara El Sherbini
4 – 5pm, SU Blueprint Cafe, High Holborn.

The event will end with a live art work hosted by artist Yara El Sherbini. Join the quiz-mistress, test your knowledge and win prizes in this entertaining and irreverent quiz, which playfully explores art and faith. Free snacks and drinks provided.

For further details about the ‘Room for Religion’ event or to book a place, please contact William Whitcombe.

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