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17th November, 2012

London Festival of Education

Event Details

17th November, 2012
9.30am - 5.45pm
Institute of Education
£5 - £50

The first London Festival of Education will be held on Saturday November 17 at the Institute of Education in Bloomsbury.

A new event, it is designed to bring together everyone interested in the future of our schools and universities – whether they are teachers, academics, parents or students.

It features:

  • Dozens of speakers including the education secretary Michael Gove, authors Anthony Horowitz and Michael Rosen, deputy mayor Munira Mirza, chief schools inspector Michael Wilshaw, and Kids Company founder Camila Batmanghelidjh
  • At least 30 workshops including masterclasses from the National Theatre and from experts in behaviour management
  • Debates on topics such as the future of exams and whether it is worth attending university.
  • Performances from poets, bands, and a hula-hooping troupe, among others…

The Institute of Education is one of the founding partners. For more information please click here and to book please click here.  Full day tickets £5 – £50.

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