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8th January, 2016

Nik Bärtsch long-term residency at Trinity Laban

The fearlessly creative Swiss pianist and composer commences his long-term residency at Trinity Laban with a masterclass.

For eighteen months Nik Bärtsch will be giving workshops and masterclasses at the conservatoire. He will also be leading a project with dancers and musicians for Co-Lab 2016, Trinity Laban’s annual festival of collaboration.

Delighted by this new development, Simon Purcell, Head of Jazz at Trinity Laban comments:

‘Nik Bärtsch is a force of curiosity and progressivism, and these are qualities which complement the core skills we teach here at Trinity Laban. I think he embodies where we’re going.’

Bärtsch is an influential figure in the contemporary music world; his music is progressive, often exploring complex polyrhythms and textures as exemplified by his group Ronin, which is currently signed with ECM.

Watch a short video interview with Nik Bärtsch and Simon Purcell here:

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