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10th July, 2023


GuildhallSchool Red

Event Details

10th July, 2023
End Date:
12th July, 2023
Rehearsal Room 1

to put or keep someone or something in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found.

Witness a new piece devised and developed by the company of Guildhall School’s BA Acting Studies programme, a four-year double degree programme, designed and delivered in conjunction with the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing.

This programme sets out to prepare the students to view themselves as more than an extension of the marketplace but as individuals who can find their own voices and have confidence in who they are. In their artistry they are encouraged to dig deep into the corners of themselves, so that when expressing what they have to say, either through an authored script or individually, they aim equally to touch the spectator in the deepest corners of them-selves.

A core belief of the programme team is that theatre should be a place of community and exchange between performer and spectator. A place where the entire physical form is witnessed expressing beliefs of what it means to be human at a particular time and place in history.

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