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5th April, 2023

Pre-announcement: collaborative community research to tackle health inequalities

Apply for funding to create and test collaborative models for the integration of cultural, community and natural environment assets into health and care systems. The aim is to create healthier communities and environments across the UK.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding.

Applications must be interdisciplinary and include appropriate partners and co-investigators from outside of academia.

Collaborative research grants funded through this funding opportunity will work towards meeting the following programme objectives:

  • to develop testable and replicable collaborative models for integrating community assets within the changing structures of health and social care in the UK, by understanding the complexities, barriers and enablers of integration
  • to explain the links between these community assets and place-based health inequalities with a view to creating healthier, and more resilient, communities and environments, particularly for people living in the most deprived areas
  • to converge data and learning from a range of local and regional models to inform the spread and adoption of collaborative models across the UK

Your application should be highly collaborative and have a strong focus on real world impact.

Opening date: To be confirmed

For further information please visit this page.

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