7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
30th November, 2022
RADA presents Shakespeare for Young Audiences: abridged plays brought to life for young people (15+) as well as anyone, of any age, who wants to get swept up in a high energy Shakespeare production.
A powerful storm scatters the crew of a ship across an untameable island.
As the storm settles, the crew including Alonso the King of Naples, his brother Sebastian and his son Ferdinand become the playthings of masterful Prospero.
Aided by the reluctant support of the island’s mystical inhabitants, Prospero’s designs of magical and emotional manipulation play out in supernatural settings and wild, farcical scenes.
By William Shakespeare
Jerwood Vanbrugh TheatreDirected by Anna Marsland
Designed by Anna Cierpial
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