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20th October, 2022

Social Work Practice Learning Race Equality Conference 2022


Event Details

20th October, 2022
9:30 -
Chelmsford campus

How to Build Allyships and Relationships in Practice Settings

This one-day conference, hosted on ARU’s Chelmsford campus, will discuss building allyships and relationships when supporting, teaching and assessing students in placement settings.

It will be of interest to all those interested in promoting race equality in social work practice settings, such as university staff and students, placement providers, practice educators and teaching partnerships.

Key features include:

  • narratives on race equality from students of colour, graduates, practice educators, service users and academics
  • how to create and maintain safe spaces for race equality
  • a range of facilitated workshops where participants can further reflect on and consider race equality in placement settings
  • practical guidance on becoming an anti-racist, explored through the use of race equality tools and other approaches to facilitate conversations in race and culture.

Our keynote speaker is Mark Williams, Senior Lecturer Social Work at Leeds Beckett University.

Thirty years of working professionally in Leeds has given Mark a level of knowledge and expertise of the broader contexts of people’s experiences that he now applies to his understanding and responses to the need for change, determination and citizenship.

This conference is a collaboration between: students, practice educators, Anglia Ruskin University, University of Essex, University of Bedfordshire, University of Suffolk, Cambridgeshire County Council, Essex County Council, Norfolk County Council, Peterborough County Council, Southend County Council, Suffolk County Council, and Thurrock County Council from the East Anglian Region.

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