7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
22nd June, 2022
by Lachlan Philpott
Performed by BA (Hons) Acting (CDT)
Designed and produced by BA (Hons) Theatre Practice
promiscuous/cities conjures up a symphony of a night in a big city. Within this city, we each create the myth of ourselves. Yet underneath the vision we sell on social media – like! – is mile after mile of distance between us.
The project is part of an exchange between performance-training institutions the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), University of Melbourne, and Central. The production is the UK premiere of a work by one of Australia’s hottest playwrights, Lachlan Philpott, directed by his long-time collaborator, Alyson Campbell. Together they have worked as queer assemblage wreckedAllprods for 20 years.
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