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24th May, 2022

Bold Girls


Event Details

24th May, 2022
End Date:
3rd May, 2022
Gielgud Theatre
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Malet Street
London WC1E 6ED

It’s raining on the shops. On the smoke, on the kids. It’ll come in round the windows, it’ll beat in the doors, can’t keep it out. I’m wet, I’m cold. I want to get inside.

It’s 1991 in West Belfast. With their husbands either locked up or killed, Marie, Cassie and Nora are just trying to get on with their lives, despite the bombs, burning buses and soldiers trampling the flower beds. Life must go on – after all, there’s still laundry to do and kids to feed.

But when a mysterious young woman turns up on Marie’s doorstep and disrupts their girls’ night out, the devastating revelations which ensue will shatter dreams and threaten their friendship irrevocably.

Sharply funny, moving, yet never shying from the harsh realities of life during the Troubles, Bold Girls is a celebration of women’s strength under siege.

By Rona Munro

  • Directed by Ola Ince
  • Designed by Adam Alton-Nee

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