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22nd April, 2022

Dante, From Dusk to Dawn – Dante, dal tramonto all’alba Cantos 27-33 of the Purgatorio from the Divine Comedy

GuildhallSchool Red

Event Details

22nd April, 2022
19:30 -
Milton Court Studio Theatre

A musical-literary tribute by Alessandro Timossi to the great Italian poet in celebration of the 700th anniversary of his death.

It is 13 September 1321, and the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri lies gravely ill in Ravenna, cared for by two of his children. Between sunset and dawn the following day, when he dies, they exchange a few words, reminiscing. This is the setting for a performance of the closing Cantos of the Purgatorio, in which Dante and Beatrice meet again in the Garden of Eden, and at the end of which the poet is ready to ascend to Paradiso. Dante’s mystical, deeply personal and reflective poetry is filled with references to music. The nearly complete reading of the seven Cantos is inspired by the ancient Italian tradition of parlar cantando (‘speaking while singing’), and is immersed both in music that Dante quotes (liturgical monody), and that which he might have known, from vernacular sacred songs (laude), to troubadours’ songs and early polyphony.

Alessandro Timossi conception, music, dialogues
Andrea Nicolini direction

Ensemble Phonodrama:
Andrea Nicolini and Laura Repetto actors
Fabrizio Giudice guitar
Gianluca Nicolini flute
Roberto Piga violin
Luca Campodonico percussion

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