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25th February, 2022

UWL partnership to drive diversity and inclusion

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Going even further to build truly inclusive futures, UWL has joined select universities across the region in the latest move to support students and boost employability for graduates.  

UWL has partnered with London Metropolitan University, University of Westminster, Kingston University, University of Roehampton, and the University of Hertfordshire to develop a toolkit to help students and graduates navigate virtual employability events.  

All co-designed with students, the toolkit will particularly help those from under-represented backgrounds to develop the confidence and competencies to successfully engage with potential employers and navigate graduate-level employment opportunities at virtual events. 

Sections include self-awareness of your own strengths and motivations, guidance on how to ask employers the ‘right’ questions, presenting in a professional way online, and making good use of camera and chat facilities.  

It also builds on the success of the ‘Inclusive Futures’ scheme, an online graduate careers event developed by the consortium over the last few years which has already attracted interest from high profile employers keen to diversify their workforces and tap into the best talent. 

The work is all possible thanks to funding from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) which was particularly impressed with the focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion.  

Professor Anthony Woodman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at UWL, said:

Here at UWL, our students are at the heart of everything we do, and this impressive partnership is ensuring we are continuing to offer the best advice, experiences, and opportunities for our graduates – no matter what their background.

To work with so many leading education institutions and have support from the QAA is something we are very proud of as we continue to listen to our student community and provide the resources they need to get ahead in their careers.”

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