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6th January, 2022

Pre-announcement: enhance your career through an architecture or design secondment

Apply for funding to enhance your career through an architecture or design secondment.

You must be:

  • a resident in the UK
  • employed by a UK organisation eligible for UKRI funding
  • able to carry out research and innovation at a postdoctoral level (or equivalent).

You can be at any stage in your career.

This opportunity will help you to develop your skills and exchange knowledge between sectors.

The organisation you are being seconded to must be of a different type to your employer.

Your project can cost up to £200,000. We will fund 100% of salary, travel and subsistence costs.

Your project must run between three months and three years.

Closing date: To be confirmed

For further information please visit this page.

Refine Results

  • Select date range (from/to)

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