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29th November, 2021

Study arts and humanities at an international institution

Apply for funding to study at an international institution.

You must be either:

  • an AHRC-funded PhD student
  • an early career researcher or postdoctoral research assistant.

Proposals can be from any arts and humanities area.

You can apply for any of the following institutions:

  • The Huntington Library, California, US
  • The Library of Congress, Washington DC, US
  • National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU), Japan
  • Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, US.

Your placement will last three to six months.

You will receive £1,000 for travel and visa costs and £1,750 for each month of the fellowship. We will fund this at 100% full economic cost.

Closing date: 24 February 2022 16:00 UK time.

For further info please visit this page.

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