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29th November, 2021

Shared Understandings of a Sustainable Future

The British Academy is  inviting proposals to  support  interdisciplinary  analyses and  fresh syntheses to  bridge two  interrelated, but distinct challenges: 

  • Achieving the goals of a transition to a net-zero economy that support wider goals of environmental sustainability;
  • in a way that mobilises and empowers a range of actors working across sectors and areas of society.

Key to these two challenges are the importance of communities, co-creation, adaptation, resilience and innovation.

In this scheme, we are seeking insight that bridges these challenges by inviting proposals from researchers in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts (the SHAPE subjects). Proposals should explore our central research question:

How can collaboration across sectors (public, third sector, business and local communities), foster shared commitments to goals, values and programmes to deliver net zero as part of a sustainable future? 

Deadline date 8 Dec 2021, 17:00 GMT.

For further information please visit this page.

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