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28th September, 2021

UWL maintains top 40 position in influential Guardian University League Tables

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The University of West London has maintained its top 40 position, after ranking 35th in the influential Guardian University League Tables, thanks to an ‘unrelenting focus on delivering the very best student experience’.

Having jumped an impressive 23 places last year, the University has demonstrated that its success is long-term by establishing itself amongst some of the top universities in the country. The league table also ranks UWL as continuing to be the top modern university in London.

Professor Peter John CBE, Vice-Chancellor of UWL, said:

In recent years UWL has been on an incredible journey, rising up the league tables and winning a whole range awards. This league table demonstrates our success is long-term and it is all thanks to an unrelenting focus on delivering the very best student experience.

But most of all, it is thanks to our amazing students. These are people who are using UWL to transform ambition, talent and a will to succeed into successful careers. If you want to join them, get in touch and join the thousands of students starting with us in October.

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