7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
14th May, 2021
Intersections 2021: Border Crossings will consider the processes through which borders – physical, social, cultural – are constructed, re-drawn and policed in theatre and performance art, as well as the academic study of these forms. What does ‘border-crossing’ look like in theatre and performance? How does our own positionality as performer/researcher/educator affect the spaces we can enter/choose to enter?
Currently expected to be an online event, we encourage contributions from practitioners, performers, writers, activists and academics which engage with questions of who can cross the ‘border’ and enter the ‘sacred ground’ of the theatre and/or the university.
You've been waiting for it and our May newsletter is here! -> bit.ly/3M9ICG6 pic.twitter.com/Iug9eWimQQ