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21st April, 2021

1st Symposium of Underground Creativity and Innovation


Event Details

21st April, 2021
13:00 -

This event is a celebration of the United Nation’s World Creativity and Innovation Day. The day aims to raise awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development.

To enhance creativity and to develop innovations, individuals in large organisations often have to immerse into underground organisational activities that have no formal support and are otherwise rejected by the leadership of the organisation. Underground research is important for the management of firms in the following ways:

  • it emerges as a potential link between individual creativity and formal innovation. Companies should accept covert research as a ‘biotope’ for actively creative people
  • it highlights a set of self-regulating mechanisms in corporate organisations and how creative employees may attempt to bridge corporate paradoxes
  • underground R&D and other underground activities play an essential role in the competence building process of the organisation
  • employees who develop projects in the underground have a high degree of organizational identification which is important for innovation performance and project acceleration

Despite its contribution to business performance and economic growth, underground creativity and innovation is an underexplored area of research and requires further investigation.

The Symposium

The Symposium aims to offer further discussion and new insights in underground creativity & innovation focused research and, it includes two parts.

The first part is a Presenter Session which will involve:

  • 20 minute Presentations with 10 minute Q&A sessions
  • 10 minute Enlightening Talks with 5 minute Q&A sessions

The second part is a Panel Session that will engage a group of panellists in an interactive discussion with the audience on underground creativity & innovation.

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