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12th January, 2021

Considering the role of higher education in achieving the Global Goals

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Event Details

12th January, 2021
14:00 - 15:30

City, University of London is hosting an online event to both launch their first Global Goals report and to place this report within the wider context of the reciprocal relationship between higher education and the UN’s Global Goals.

The event will begin with a brief discussion of the report’s aims and with reference to some of the featured case studies, articulate how City will build upon our progress towards embedding the Goals. This will be followed by a panel discussion exploring the relationship between higher education and the Global Goals.

The Association of Commonwealth Universities recently stated that the contribution of higher education is crucial to achieving the 17 Goals – through research, teaching, and community engagement. However, it is also important to recognise that the integration of the Goals into all areas of higher education can improve the quality, vitality, and globalisation of our institutions. The strength of a universities’ action towards the 17 Goals is also crucial to the health and wellbeing of its students.

Focussing on the ability of universities to meaningfully contribute to delivery of the Goals, the conversation will touch on some of the institutional tensions inherent in this undertaking.

  1. How can institutions align actions towards the goals with strategic direction?
  2. How can institutions ensure academic freedom whilst working within frameworks designed to address global challenges and what is the role of government funding within this?
  3. Differing generational perceptions around approaches to these challenges may exist. How can institutions more effectively harness the student voice to deliver positive outcomes?

Chair: Chris McDowell (City, University of London)

Colleen Howell (University College London)

Joanna Newman (Association of Commonwealth Universities)

Meg Baker (SOS-UK)

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