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3rd December, 2020

Pre-announcement: UK-Ireland collaboration in digital humanities

Apply for funding for digital humanities research. Your project must be large, innovative and multidisciplinary.

UK and Ireland-based researchers must collaborate on the project.

Specifically, the call aims to support a diverse range of projects that:

  • build and consolidate new inclusive partnerships in the field of digital humanities between researchers and stakeholders in the UK and Ireland through collaborative research projects
  • deliver innovative, interdisciplinary and integrated research projects that are appropriately tailored to the themes being addressed
  • are genuinely collaborative and involve a balance of research organisations and stakeholders in both countries
  • promote the sharing of best practice and knowledge exchange between institutions in the UK and Ireland, and clearly demonstrate the specific added value of enhanced collaboration in the digital humanities.

The projects should take innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to explore the anticipated broad and inclusive themes:

  • digital humanities, emerging technologies and research practices
  • digital humanities and social innovation
  • digital humanities and cultural heritage
  • digital humanities and the creative industries.

The call is expected to be open through the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S) for applications from early January and to close in mid-March 2021. Further information about the call will be announced on the UKRI and IRC websites in January 2021.

For further info please visit this page.

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