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4th February, 2021

Knowledge Conversations: The Power of Collaborative Action

The Culture Capital Exchange

Event Details

4th February, 2021
10:00 - 12:00

The Culture Capital Exchange (TCCE) is delighted to welcome you to the Opening Event for our brand new National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange (NCACE) supported by Research England.

The key purpose of NCACE will be to facilitate and support capacity for Knowledge Exchange between Higher Education and the arts and cultural sector across the country with a particular focus on evidencing and showcasing the social, cultural, environmental, as well as the economic, impacts of such activities.

We warmly welcome all stakeholders who are interested in the wider potential and impacts of knowledge exchange between the academy and the arts and cultural sector.

Joining us to provide keynote addresses are: David Sweeney (Executive Chair, Research England), Professor Trevor McMillan (Vice Chancellor, Keele University and Research England Knowledge Exchange Champion), Professor Bambo Soyinka (Bath Spa University and founder of Paper Nations) and Rosy Greenlees, (Executive Director, Crafts Council).

Our keynotes will be followed by a panel discussion on knowledge exchange and flows between higher education and the arts and cultural sector.

Lastly, at the event, we will also be signalling our first tranche of activities and ways of becoming further involved in NCACE.

Further information will be released early in the New Year.

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