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15th December, 2020

Arts & Health Research in a Pandemic

Event Details

15th December, 2020
14:00 - 15:00

This event is the latest in our Arts and Health research forum and will reflect on the importance of arts and health research in a global pandemic. We are excited to be joined by The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance who will provide broad insight into how the sector has responded to Covid-19 and discuss the ways in which they specifically have responded to the challenges of the pandemic.

Furthermore, we will consider how arts and health research specifically has been affected by Covid-19. We will revisit two publications published by The Culture Capital Exchange following the first lockdown, ‘Doing Arts Research in a Pandemic’ and ‘Knowledge Sharing and Exchange in a Pandemic’, and ask selected contributors to reflect on their experiences of research through the first and second lockdowns, specifically how their practice has been affected, as well as any gaps that may have emerged. In sharing examples of best practice, It is hoped that we will encourage new modes of knowledge sharing.

Panelists will include

Victoria Hume & Hayley Youell, Director and Coordinator at The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance

Evelyn Wilson, Director at The Culture Capital Exchange

Dr John Hillman, Associate Professor of Photography at Birmingham City University

Dr Charlotte Nichol, a freelance Lecturer and NHS worker

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