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2nd June, 2020

Nine researcher-artist collaborations announced


Nine new collaborations between UCL researchers and east London based artists have been funded for partnership work over the next few months.

As part of Trellis 2, a programme bringing together UCL researchers, artists and local communities on east London, the nine funded collaborations have been awarded funding to strengthen their relationships, and begin to work with communities.

Trellis 2 builds on a pilot project that took place over a 10 month period in 2018-19. The Trellis pilot brought together a group of 40 researchers and artists and resulted in nine initial knowledge exchange partnerships, and four commissioned works which were displayed in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park during October 2019. You can find out more about the pilot project on the UCL Culture webpage.

Over the next two months, the new collaboration will explore ways of working together, sharing and exchanging knowledge and expertise, and begin to involve communities from east London in the process.

In July, four of the projects will be commissioned to create work that will be exhibited in spring 2021.

The collaborations are:

  • Artist Sarah Carne working with Danielle Purkiss (Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering) and Charnett Chau (Chemical Engineering), both working in the Plastic Waste Innovation Hub.
  • Artist Jo Guile working with Dr Emily J. Patterson (Institute of Ophthalmology)
  • Artist Dana Olarescu working with Kirsty Badenoch (Bartlett School of Architecture)
  • Artist Mark Titchner working with Dr Tabea Schoeler (Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology)
  • Artist Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq working with Prof Bencie Woll   (Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre (DCAL))
  • Artists Sara Heywood and Jane Watt working with Dr David Chau (Division of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Eastman Dental Institute)
  • Artist Helena Hunter working with Tchern Lenn (MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology (LMCB)) and Rafael Schacter        (UCL Anthropology)
  • Artists Briony Campbell and Jon Adams working with Dr Georgia Pavlopoulou (Psychology & Human Development and Psychology and Language Science)
  • Artist Edwin Mingard working with Dr Keren Weitzberg (UCL History)

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