29th June, 2023
26th May, 2020
The COVID-19 Social Study is a research study run by University College London, exploring the effects of the virus and social distancing measures on adults in the UK during the outbreak of COVID-19.
The results from this study are vital in informing the advice given to people, the support made available, and the decisions taken.
Your input will help to track patterns of mental health and loneliness in the UK over the coming weeks, understand which groups are most at risk, identify potentiallyprotective activitiespeople could be engaging in.
You can take part by compiling a 10 minutes online survey or by participating in telephone interviews.
The study is funded by the Wellcome Trust the Nuffield Foundation, but the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the Foundation. Click here to read more about the Nuffield Foundation. We are grateful for support with recruitment from the People’s Postcode Lottery, HealthWise Wales, NUS, Age UK, SEO Works, the Ramblers, and FieldworkHub.
More info here.
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