7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
13th May, 2020
An online webinar to mark the end of the EPSRC-funded STORMLAMP research project.
The STORMLAMP project is a comprehensive EPSRC-funded project focusing on the structural response of rock mounted lighthouses to wave loading. The 4 year project commenced in May 2016 and is a unique collaboration between University of Plymouth, University of Exeter and University College London. It has worked closely with the UK and Irish General Lighthouse Authorities (Trinity House, Irish Lights and the Northern Lighthouse Board) and other industry partners (AECOM, HR Wallingford, Atkins and the Environment Agency).
The project has entailed: fieldwork to characterise structural behaviour of the lighthouses and associated long-term monitoring of their response to being impacted by waves; experimental testing to characterise the wave impacts in the Plymouth COAST Laboratory Ocean Basin alongside CFD modelling; and detailed structural assessment of historic lighthouses modelled following an in-depth study of original nineteenth century drawings.
Confirmed speakers:
Professor Alison Raby (introduction and closing remarks)
STORMLAMP project Principle Investigator, Professor in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (Faculty of Science and Engineering), University of Plymouth.
Tom Nancollas (keynote)
Building conservationist and author of Seashaken Houses: A Lighthouse History from Eddystone to Fastnet.
Professor Paul Taylor
Chair in Ocean Engineering, Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Western Australia
Presentation: TBC
Dr William Allsop – William Allsop Consulting Ltd.
Industry specialist in the analysis, design, testing, and performance of all types of breakwater, seawall and related coastal structures.
Presentation: Predicting safety of (old) vertical walls – the development of understanding and prediction methods.
Professor of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London.
Presentation: Crests and Throughs: the survival of Victorian lighthouses to extreme wave impact.
The talk will provide an overview of the evolution of lighthouse design from earlier examples in the 17th and 18th century to the iconic and enduring solution reached in the 19th century, which has become the standard of construction for rock mounted lighthouses affected by extreme wave loading.
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